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Fifteen new Covid-19 Cases in Belize

Fifteen new Covid19 Cases in Belize1 08-04-2020
Fifteen new Covid19 Cases in Belize1 08-04-2020


Ministry of Health Identifies 15 Cases of COVID-19

Belmopan. August 4, 2020. 9:45 p.m.

Fifteen new cases of COVID-19 have been identified today as a result of the contact tracing of cases identified over the weekend. These cases are part of a record number of 148 samples processed in one day. The new cases are as follows.

Seven cases have been identified in Corozal. Seven cases have been detected in Orange Walk. San Pedro now has one new case.

Five cases are from the repatriation process and these persons are under quarantine orders. Two of the cases in Corozal are linked to the case identified over the weekend and three cases in Orange Walk are tied to the case identified in that district over the weekend. The remaining five cases appear to be unrelated; however, contact tracing is currently ongoing for possible links.

For now, the Ministry of Health calls on the entire nation to remain calm and to only listen to official sources of information. The Ministry will continue to update the public as information becomes available.

The public is reminded to maintain social distancing, practice good hand hygiene, and properly wear masks at all times in public settings. For health-related inquiries, call 0-800-MOH-CARE.


Man Escapes Covid-19 Quarantine

Jose David Perez who is from Duck Run managed to escape from the Stadium earlier this evening.
Jose David Perez who is from Duck Run managed to escape from the Stadium earlier this evening.

Jose David Perez, who is from Duck Run managed to escape from the Stadium earlier this evening. He was in mandatory quarantine at the Victor Galvez Facilities, inside San Ignacio where he fled from the facility. If observed in your neighborhood contact the police hotline.

One million dollar donated by Michael Ashcroft to the Ministry of Health for Covid-19 supplies

1 million dollar was donated by Michael Ashcroft to the Ministry of Health for Covid-19

May 12, 2020

Тhе Міnіѕtrу оf Неаlth ѕоught ѕuрроrt frоm thе Lоrd Аѕhсrоft Rеlіеf Fund Соmmіttее tо рrосurе muсh-nееdеd ѕuррlіеѕ tо fіght аgаіnѕt thе СОVІD-19 раndеmіс.

Тhе соmmіttее rеѕроndеd аnd аftеr dіѕсuѕѕіоnѕ wіth thе Міnіѕtrу аnd соmmіttеd tо ѕuрроrtіng thе fіnаnсіng оf сrіtісаl mеdісаl ѕuррlіеѕ.

Тhе соmmіttее hаѕ ехреndеd $1,296,415 tоwаrd thе асquіѕіtіоn оf thе fоllоwіng:

15,000 Реrѕоnаl рrоtесtіvе еquірmеnt

5,000 mеdісаl gоgglеѕ

5,000 mеdісаl ѕhіеld mаѕkѕ

1 роlуmеrаѕе сhаіn rеасtіоn ѕуѕtеm

2 hоuѕіng unіtѕ

14 vеntіlаtоrѕ

Оn Мау 11, 2020, Lуndоn Guіѕеррі, сhаіrmаn оf thе соmmіttее, аnd Dеnіѕе Gоdfrеу, ѕеnіоr mаrkеtіng оffісеr оf thе Веlіzе Ваnk mеt Аnа Веnnеtt, Ассоuntаnt Gеnеrаl оf thе Тrеаѕurу dераrtmеnt оf Веlіzе tо hаnd оvеr а сhеquе fоr thе рауmеnt оf vеntіlаtоrѕ whісh rесеntlу аrrіvеd іntо thе соuntrу.

Тhе оthеr еquірmеnt аrе ехресtеd tо аrrіvе іntо thе соuntrу іn thе соmіng wееkѕ.

Тhе dоnаtіоn frоm thе Lоrd Аѕhсrоft СОVІD-19 rеlіеf fundѕ dіѕрlауѕ іtѕ соmmіtmеnt tо ѕuрроrt thе оngоіng еffоrtѕ оf thе Міnіѕtrу оf Неаlth, thе соuntrу аnd реорlе оf Веlіzе tо еnѕurе рrераrеdnеѕѕ fоr thе іmрасt оf СОVІD-19.

Тhе соmmіttее соntіnuеѕ tо lіаіѕе wіth thе Міnіѕtrу fоr furthеr аѕѕіѕtаnсе.

Zero Active COVID-19 cases for Belize

covid-19 updated 05-05-2020

COVID – 19 Current Update:

This is our data for today.

We can now confirm that our last two active cases have recovered as their second test is now negative!

We however, need to continue to exercise the preventive measures across all sectors as the numbers with our neighbours continue to go up.

Neighbouring Guatemala up to yesterday has reported 730 cases with 46 cases being in the Eastern (includes Peten) part of Guatemala and the neigbhouring state of Quintana Roo is reporting 956 cases up until midday today with a total of 24 cases in the neighbouring municipality of Othon P. Blanco (Chetumal included in this data).

We need a community effort as we move along to prevent any more cases of COVID-19.

New COVID-19 Update For Belize

covid19-update4- 05-05-2020

This is the 7th since we first diagnosed a first case of COVID-19 and it is therefore important to be on the lookout for data as it evolves.

We are going into a 4th week since our last case was diagnosed but we CANNOT lose sight of the fact that our neighbours are having escalating numbers in terms of cases and deaths.

In graphs below, do take a close look at the official numbers are presented by IDB with data/calculations from the European CDC with country data.

We also note the call to ‘test, test, test’ and note the comparison with other countries in the Latin American Region.

Madagascar creates Covid-19 Cure?


Madagascare has claims the created the cure for the deadly pandemic coronavirus or COVID-19 .Days after the  President Donald Trump recommended using antiseptic to battle the coronavirus pandemic, President Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar has endorsed an organic potion to remedy  infected patients.

Senegal President Macky Sall has ordered the remedy after contacting his Madagascar counterpart, according to Senegalese local media.African Countries as Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Tanzania and Comoros confirmed their interest in the herbal.Currently the merchandise is dispersed only in 3 provinces, specifically Haute Matsiatra, Analamanga, and Atsinanana which have logged many cases of Coronavirus as of March 19

The World Health Organization (WHO) in a declaration has cautioned against any self-medication, and held that it has not endorsed any treatment as a cure for the COVID-19.